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Congressional Committee Prints

Last updated on 12-03-2024

Congressional Committee Prints, 104th Congress (1995-1996) to Present, plus Select Prints from Prior Congresses

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About Congressional Committee Prints

What are Congressional Committee Prints?

Congressional Committee Prints are publications issued by Congressional committees that include topics related to their legislative or research activities, as well as other matters such as memorial tributes. Committee prints are an excellent resource for statistical and historical information, and for legislative analysis. The subjects of the committee prints vary greatly due to the different concerns and actions of each committee. Some basic categories of Congressional Committee Prints are: draft reports and bills, directories, statistical materials, investigative reports, historical reports, situational studies, confidential staff reports, hearings, and legislative analyses.

Prints are generally viewed as internal background information publications and often are not announced for public distribution. Procedures for the printing and publication of these prints differ with each committee, and formats are inconsistent. A few prints have been allocated serial numbers, but most have not. The individual committee prints are not a part of the U.S. Congressional Serial Set, because those documents come from the Senate and the House of Representatives as a whole.

Committee prints do not have a consistent numbering system or publication history, because these papers are printed copies of committee members' work. The Senate has a numbering system for its committee prints, but the House does not (e.g. "S. Prt. 108-3").

What is available?

  • GovInfo contains select committee prints from the 104th Congress (1995-96) to Present, plus select prints from prior Congresses.
  • Select prints from prior Congresses are digitized, and metadata for historical digitized prints may be slightly different than for the newer prints.
  • The system is updated irregularly for the current Congress, as digital versions of the committee prints are published.
  • Documents are available as ASCII text and, in some cases, Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files.

Searching Congressional Committee Prints

You can locate Congressional Committee Prints by:

  • Using the Basic Search for keyword and metadata fielded searches,
  • Using the Advanced Search; fields specific to the committee prints collection will display after you select Congressional Committee Prints in the Refine by Collection column,
  • Using the Citation Search to retrieve a single document in PDF format if you know the Congress number, document type, and number of the document,
  • Narrowing search results by clicking on links in the Refine Your Search panel on the left hand side of the page (the sections under Refine Your Search correspond to the metadata available for the documents), and
  • Browsing on the Congressional Committee Prints browse page.

General GovInfo Search Tips

Search Examples

Search for Congressional Committee Prints by Committee Print Citation - These examples will search for Sentate Print 114-27.

  • Using Basic Search, enter: collection:cprt and citation:"S. Prt. 114-27"
  • Using Advanced Search,
    • Select Congressional Committee Prints under Refine by Collection, then under Search In select Citation in the first box and enter S. Prt. 114-27in the second box.

Search for Congressional Committee Prints by Keyword - These examples will search for prints with the keyword watershed.

  • Using Basic Search, enter: watershed and collection:cprt
  • Using Advanced Search,
    • Select Congressional Committee Prints under Refine by Collection, then under Search In select Full-Text in the first box and enter watershed in the second box.

Search for Congressional Committee Prints by Committee - These examples will search for prints from the Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee.

  • Using Basic Search, enter: collection:cprt and committee:"agriculture, nutrition, and forestry"
  • Using Advanced Search,
    • Select Congressional Committee Prints under Refine by Collection, then under Search In select Committee in the first box and enter agriculture, nutrition, and forestry in the second box.

Search for Congressional Committee Prints by Keyword and Date Range - These examples will search for prints from January 1, 2016 to August 5, 2016 with the word safety in the text or metadata.

  • Using Basic Search, enter: safety and collection:cprt and publishdate:range(2016-01-01, 2016-08-05)
  • Using Advanced Search,
    • Select Date is Between under Date Range, then select or enter 01/01/2016 in the first box and 05/05/2016 in the second box.
    • Select Congressional Committee Prints under Refine by Collection, then under Search In enter safety in the second box.

Search for Congressional Committee Prints by Congress Number and Chamber- These examples will search for prints from the House of Representatives from the 110th Congress.

  • Using Basic Search, enter: collection:cprt and chamber:house and congress:110
  • Using Advanced Search,
    • Select Congressional Committee Prints under Refine by Collection, then under Search In select Chamber of Congress in the first box and select House of Representatives in the second box.
    • Click + Additional Criteria and select Congress Number in the next box and select 110 in the fourth box.

Sample Congressional Committee Prints URLs

GovInfo uses two key pieces of information to construct predictable URLs to documents and Details pages:

  • Package ID is used to identify an individual document.
  • Granule ID is used to identify volumes, parts or errata that may exist for a single document.
Identifier Structure/Metadata Field Example

Package ID

CPRT-{Congress Number}{Print Type}{Jacket ID or Print Number}

Note: Print Type is either HPRT (House Committee Print), SPRT (Senate Committee Print), JPRT (Joint Committee Print), or WPRT (House Ways and Means Committee Print).

Note: Jacket ID is used when available. If it is not available, the Print Number will be used.


Tip: You can also use the link service and API to construct predictable links.

Details Page for a Congressional Committee Print
Structure:{Package ID}

PDF File for a Congressional Committee Print
Structure:{Package ID}/pdf/{Package ID}.pdf

HTML File for a Congressional Committee Print
Structure:{Package ID}/html/{Package ID}.htm

Congressional Committee Prints Metadata Fields and Values

Metadata fields and values can be used to increase the relevancy of your searches. Metadata fields and values are used throughout GovInfo for:

  • Refining Your Search,
  • Browsing Government Publications,
  • Field Operators,
  • Advanced Search, and
  • Display on Details pages.

Metadata fields and values can be entered into the Basic Search box using field operators. The metadata fields and values available for Congressional Committee Prints are listed in the table below, along with examples for each metadata field. Using Field Operators

Some of the metadata fields are made available for use in Advanced Search. The metadata values can be entered in the same format for the fields available on the Advanced Search Page. Using Advanced Search

Metadata Field Display Name Metadata Field Definition Field Operator Field Operator Example


The collection to which the document belongs. Typically the same as the publication or series.



Government Author

The names of the Government organizations responsible for authoring or assembling the document.



Publication Date

The date the document was first made available to the public.



Date format is YYYY, YYYY-MM, or YYYY-MM-DD


The language code of the original document, from the ISO639-2b standard.



ILS System ID

The 9-digit integer number for the record of the publication in GPO's Integrated Library System, the Catalog of Government Publications (CGP).



Former Package ID

The document ID of the "package" as originally specified on GPO Access

mods:identifier:(@type:"former package identifier":______)

mods:identifier:(@type:"former package identifier":"f:41927.wais")

SuDoc Class Number

The SuDoc class number from the U.S. Superintendent of Documents which classifies Government publications by publishing agency.


sudocclass:"Y 4.J 89/1" or sudocclass:"Y 4.J 89/1:AI 7/2"

Note: The SuDoc Class Numbers in GovInfo may be at the class stem level, not the book number level.

Ingestion Date

The date the document was ingested into the preservation repository.



Note: Date format is YYYY-MM-DD

Electronic Location (URL)

The URL where the document or the document in context (the content detail page) is located.




The government organization who publishes the document or publication. Not typically the Government Publishing Office (who serves as the printer and distributor), except in the case of Congressional publications.


publisher:"u.s. government publishing office"


The branch of Government responsible for the document's contents.



Possible values: Executive, Legislative, Judicial

Type of Resource

The media type for the document, typically "text". Defined as part of the Library of Congress MODS standard.



WAIS Database Name

The name of the WAIS database to which the document belonged in the former GPO Access system.



Record Origin

How the record was originally generated. Typically "machine generated."


recordorigin:"machine generated"


The title of the publication.


title:"country reports on economic policy and trade practices"

Congress Number

The number of the Congress responsible for the document. Congresses last for two years, so for example, the 110th Congress was in session from 2007 through 2008.



Congress Session

Session of Congress. Each Congress is typically divided into two yearly sessions.



Possible values: 1, 2

Chamber of Congress

The chamber in which the bill is being considered. This may not be the same as the chamber of origin.



Possible values: house, senate

Print Type

The type of Congressional committee print.



Possible values: hprt, sprt, jprt, wprt

Print Sub Type

Whether the print is a Blue Book, Green Book, or standard (not one of the other two)..



Possible values: standard, blue book, green book

Print Number

Number for the print. Prints are numbered per Congress number and a sequential number.




Congressional committee names listed in the print.


committee:"committee on rules"


Search for the hearing part heading, for example "part 2", "chapter 9", "volume I", or "errata".


heading:"part 2"


The GPO standard method for searching citation references from the selected publication.


citation:"S.Prt. 112-35"

Bill Number Citation

Reference to a bill number within the text of the print.


billscitation:"h.r. 4613"

Congressional Report Citation

Reference to a congressional report within the text of the print.



Public or Private Law Citation

Reference to a public or private law within the text of the print.


plawcitation:"public law 108-330"

United States Code Citation

Reference to a United States Code citation within the text of the print.


uscodecitation:"5 u.s.c. 706"

Statutes at Large Citation

Reference to a Statutes at Large citation within the text of the print.


statutecitation:"75 stat. 424"

Jacket ID

The Jacket ID of the print. This is usually a five digit number that is printed on the front page of the print.



Congressional Document Citation

A reference to a congressional document in the body of the print.


cdoccitation:"h. doc. 92-285"

Senate Hearing Citation

Reference to a Senate Hearing within the text of the print.



Committee Print Citation

A reference to some other congressional committee print within the body of this print.


cprtcitation:"S. Prt. 110-32"

Congressional Serial Number Citation

A reference to a congressional serial number.


serialnocitation:"Serial No. J-111-73"

Reference Citation

Reference to another document within the text of a document.


refcitation:"H.R. 1"

Congressional Committee Prints Related Resources

  • Tributes and Memorial Tributes - Reports, hearings, documents, and prints from the 103rd Congress forward.
  • Featured House, Senate and Joint Publications - House or Senate select documents published by Congress or jointly by the United States Senate and United States House of Representatives.
  • Congressional Reports - Reports of congressional committees concerning proposed legislation or findings on matters under investigation.
  • Congressional Documents - Documents of congressional committees that cover a wide variety of topics and may include reports of executive departments and independent organizations, reports of special investigations made for Congress, and annual reports of non-governmental organizations.
  • Congressional Hearings - Meetings or sessions of congressional committees for the purpose of obtaining information and opinions on proposed legislation, conducting an investigation, or evaluate the activities of a government department or implementation of a Federal law.
  • Browse by Congressional Committee - Browse documents issued by individual committees, including Bills, Documents, and Hearings.
  • Contact your local Federal Depository Library - To access a physical copy of Congressional Committee Prints.
  • Purchase Committee Prints - From GPO's Online Bookstore